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Accused of fraud, the former head of the BSU department announced the transfer of money to the former rector of the university

The Baku Court for Grave Crimes continued the trial of the former head of the Department of Additional and Correspondence Education of the Baku Slavic University (BSU) Durdana Aliyeva, accused of embezzling a large amount of money from students, reports.

Witnesses and victims were interviewed at a meeting chaired by Judge Ali Mammadov. Thus, the witness Ismet Nazarov said that his son was receiving a second education at BSU. For three years, the university asked him for 5,000 manats. Then the amount was reduced to 4,000. He met with Durdana Aliyeva to pay, she said that the witness should give the money to her. She also promised to help with tuition fees for his daughter, who is in her third year at university. The daughter of the witness has a debt of 1,100 manats.

Commenting on the testimony, D. Aliyeva stated that she transferred all the received 4,000 manats to the former rector of the university, Nurlana Aliyeva.

The trial will continue on November 15, 2021.

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