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Former policemen charged with gun theft sentenced

The Baku Court for Grave Crimes has completed the trial of a criminal case against former employees of the Sabunchu District Police Department Musa Allahverdiyev and Elkhan Mustafayev, who were accused of stealing weapons, reports.

At the trial, presided over by Judge Javid Huseynov, a verdict was passed: M. Allahverdiyev was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison, E. Mustafayev to 3 years and 6 months.

So, in December 2020, during inspections in the Sabunchu District Police Department, it became known that one of the Zefer K pistols was missing. After four months of searching, in April 2021, employees of the Republican Unitary Enterprise M. Allakhverdiyev and E. Mustafayev were detained in connection with this incident.

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