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President Ilham Aliyev: “We fought the war with dignity”

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that during the 44-day war against Armenia in the autumn of 2020, Azerbaijan complied with all the rules for conducting military operations and did not fight against the civilian population, betrays.

“We waged a war with dignity, observed all the rules of war, did not fight civilians, did not bombard buildings, did not commit atrocities, despite the fact that the thirst for revenge has always lived in the heart of our people. After all, the Armenians committed genocide against our people, pursued a policy of ethnic cleansing against us, so the presence of a sense of revenge is justified. But I said that we will get even with the enemy on the battlefield”, Ilham Aliyev said at a meeting with members of the wrestling team.

The President noted that this is why there were less than 30 casualties among the Armenian civilian population during this war. “And that is because these civilians participated in the battles”, the head of state added.

According to Ilham Aliyev, the whole world, “all military experts have repeatedly noted that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in this war showed great skill and ability, achieved their goal in a short time”.

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