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Five-year-old murder solved

Employees of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs solved a crime committed five years ago in the Agsu region, reports with reference to the press service of the supervisory agency.

Due to the impossibility to establish the identity who was involved in the murder of Aishan Gahramanova (born 1999), a resident of the city of Agsu, within the framework of the criminal case initiated under article 120.1 (premeditated murder) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan in connection with her disappearance on January 27, 2017, the investigation was terminated 20 December 2019.

The proceedings were resumed on March 7 this year, the Department of Criminalistics and Information Technologies of the General Prosecutor’s Office continued the investigation. The investigative-operational group, consisting of employees of the prosecutor’s office and the police, carried out complex investigative actions and operational-search activities.

The investigation established that Aishan Gahramanova was killed by her cohabitant Asif Manafov (born in 1991) on the night of January 27-28, 2017 on the basis of a personal conflict. The man first hit the girl with a knife, and then hid her body in the cemetery of the village of Garagashly. Late in the evening on January 28, A. Manafov transported the body to the territory of the Kurdamir region and buried it near the Shirvan Canal.

On March 16, 2022, human remains and fragments of clothing were found at the site.

A. Manafova was detained on March 17, 2022 as a suspect, during interrogation he confessed to his deed.

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