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State Social Protection Fund employee arrested for bribery files appeal

Former chief accountant of the Jalilabad branch of the State Social Protection Fund (SSPF) Parviz Iskenderov and his acquaintances Galib Aleskerov and Malik Nasirov appealed against the verdict, reported.

The complaint is under consideration by the Shirvan Court of Appeal.

So, at the trial chaired by the judge of the Lankaran Court for Grave Crimes Ilkin Abdullayev, P. Iskenderov was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months, G. Aleskerov – to 8 years in prison. According to the verdict, the preliminary detention of G. Aleskerov was replaced and he was arrested in the courtroom. Another defendant, M. Nasirov, was sentenced to 5 years in prison (electronic bracelet).

The former chief accountant of the Jalilabad branch of the SSPF, P. Iskenderov, and his acquaintances were detained in May 2020 by employees of the Main Anti-Corruption Department.

As a result of the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that Iskenderov demanded 3,700 manats from the residents of the district in exchange for targeted state social assistance and pensions. Later, other criminal acts of him and his acquaintances G. Aleskerov and M. Nasirov were revealed.

The Main Department for Combating Corruption under the General Prosecutor’s Office initiated a criminal case under Article 311.3.2 (repeated bribery) of the Criminal Code.

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