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The Ministry of Labor implements international solutions in its electronic systems

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan is actively implementing solutions such as ITIL (a library of books describing the best practices on infrastructure) in its systems to provide quality online services to citizens, international standards, information security ISO 27001, reports with reference to the press office of the ministry.

According to the department, DevSecOps integration (security during development) is carried out at all stages of the development process of new application systems. These standards help ensure the sustainability, availability, stability and security of online services and citizen data.

The press service notes that the ministry cooperates with the relevant structures of many countries of the world, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the International Labor Organization, the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, the International Organization for Migration, the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the International Association social security, the International Association of Pension and Social Funds and other structures.

It is also noted that the ministry is represented at the level of deputy chairman of the commission on information and communication technologies of the International Social Security Association.

In recent years, a number of electronic services of the department have been awarded various international awards. Thus, the subsystem of the Ministry “Notification of an employment contract” received the award of the International Telecommunication Union “Project-Champion”, the subsystems “Automated pension system”, “Targeted social assistance”, “Disability” received a special award of the International Social Security Association in the nomination “Successful European experience ”, the information systems of the ministry were also awarded the certificate of honor “Effective management with the use of ICT”, the department said.

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