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More than 14 kg of heroin found in the bag of the detained drug courier

As a result of another operation carried out by employees of the Bilasuvar District Police Department, about 16 kg of various potent drugs were found and seized from illegal circulation, reports with reference to the Lankaran regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, on the basis of information received by the district police department, the police detained Shahin Nazarli, a resident of the Gobu village of the Absheron region, suspected of involvement in drug trafficking.

During a personal search, 14 kg 335 g of heroin, 1 kg 115 g of opium and 410 g of marijuana were found and seized in his sports bag. The investigation established that Sh. Nazarli was a courier for a foreign drug dealer and had to organize the sale of drugs purchased through him, delivering them to the indicated places.

On this fact, an investigation is underway in the Bilasuvar District Police Department.

In the last month alone, officers of the district police department revealed 14 facts related to drug trafficking. As a result, about 40 kg of drugs and psychotropic substances were seized.

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