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Thief, threatening with a toy gun, stole AZN 45,000 worth of gold from a store

In Goychay, a theft worth AZN 45,000 was committed from a jewelry store, the information Internet portal reports.

Thus, the victim turned to the district police department, reporting the theft of gold jewelry in the amount of 45 thousand manats, noting that unknown persons threatened him with weapons.

As a result of operational and investigative measures carried out by police officers, a resident of the district village of Beydovul Afsun Selimzade and two minors suspected of committing theft were detained and handed over to the investigation.

During the investigation, it was established that these persons had been preparing for the robbery for several days. On March 26, 2022, one of the minors entered the store and, taking advantage of the absence of the seller, stole jewelry. While trying to flee the crime scene, he ran into a shop owner. Threatening the store owner with a toy gun he had brought with him, he fled. The attackers buried the jewels in order to sell them later in Baku.

A criminal case was opened on the fact, the buried jewelry was seized at the indicated place and handed over to the investigation as material evidence.

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