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Suspects of stealing AZN 32,000 from e-Manat terminal detained

As a result of operational-search activities, employees of the Goychay regional police department on suspicion of theft detained local residents Nizam Nuruyev, Suleyman Nuriev and Kamran Huseynli, reports citing the Sheki regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, at night, the attackers hacked into the e-Manat payment terminal installed in a store in Goychay and stole 32,000 manats from there. They also took tobacco products with them and, together with a large sum of money, fled the scene of the crime.

The detainees confessed to their deeds, and part of the stolen money was confiscated from them as material evidence.

During the investigation, it was found that the young people divided the stolen money among themselves, and then went to Baku together. They spent part of the money on entertainment in the capital, and one of the detainees, N. Nuruyev, bought a motorcycle for 4,000 manats.

A criminal case has been initiated on this fact, the investigation is ongoing.

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