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Special operation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: offenders detained

Employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted an operation against persons illegally storing firearms and drugs, the information Internet portal reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the operation, residents of the Saatli region Yashar Jafarov and his friend Gulnara Nasirova were detained, who organized the smuggling of drugs into the country. About 10 kg of heroin intended for sale were confiscated from them.

During another event held on the territory of the Surakhani region, Bakhman Ibrahimov, suspected of illegal possession of weapons, was detained. During the search, 1 TT pistol, 8 rounds of ammunition and a magazine were found and confiscated from him.

Based on these facts, criminal cases were initiated against the detainees under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code, and a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was taken against them. Operative measures to establish criminal connections of the detainees continue.

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