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Illegal entrepreneurship caused damage to the state for 1.8 million manat

In Azerbaijan, individuals illegally exploiting a sand and gravel quarry caused damage to the state in the amount of about 2 million manat, reports the information Internet portal.

In the course of the investigation conducted by the Prosecutor General’s Office in connection with the information received about illegal entrepreneurial activities by individuals without forming a legal entity in the Talybgishlag and Gudiyalchay sand and gravel quarries located in the Guba region, the damage to the state was estimated at 1 million 822 thousand manats .

In fact, 3 criminal cases were initiated under Articles 188 (violation of the right to own, use or lease land), 255 (violation of the rules for the protection and use of subsoil) and 308 (abuse of official powers) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The cases were sent to the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

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