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Police arrest drug lord

As a result of operational-search activities, officers of the Guba district police department detained Azer Mammadov, a resident of the village of Khujbala, suspected of purchasing, storing, transporting and selling drugs, the information Internet portal reports.

So, during the inspection of the detainee and the search of his house, more than half a kilogram of marijuana, hemp (cannabis) and its seeds, a large amount of heroin, opium, methamphetamine and one unit of electronic scales were found and seized.

In addition, two rifles and cartridges for them, two sights from different guns and three daggers were found and confiscated in A. Mammadov’s house.

A criminal case has been opened on the fact in the Guba regional police department. According to the court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against A. Mammadov.

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