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Education employyes sentenced

The trial on a criminal case by the head of the Humanitarian College at the University of Culture and Arts Gulnara Iskenderova, employees of the Azerbaijan Medical University (AMU) Kamalali Aliyeva and Elmira Babayeva, accused of fraud, embezzlement and incitement to bribery, has completed, reports

By the decision of the Baku Grave Crimes Court, G. Iskenderova was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months, and K. Aliyeva and E. Babayeva were sentenced to 6 years in prison. They were arrested in the courtroom.

Thus, since 2017, G. Iskenderova, using her official position, together with the employees of the Azerbaijan Medical University, received a total of 126,500 manats from 21 people, promising to get them a job at the Medical University.

By committing fraud against citizens, she incited them to pay bribes and printed fake job orders on behalf of the university.

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