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7 people arrested in Terter case, one person put on international wanted list

The identities of those arrested in the “Terter case” who tortured servicemen became known, APA reports quoting the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Thus, in the course of the investigation of the criminal case, facts of torture, illegal imprisonment and abuse of official position by Niftaliyev Rashid Aghasharif oglu, Mikayilov Ruslan Mammadali oglu, Mashyev Sanan Sakhavet oglu, Gahramanov Jabir Babakhan oglu, Azizov Polad Seyfaddin oglu, Aliyev Elchin Kalam oglu and Mammadov Intigam Sharif oglu, therefore they were brought to justice as defendants under articles of the Criminal Code 145.3 (illegal deprivation of liberty), 293.2 (torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment not considered torture), 341.2.2, 341.2 .3 (abuse of power) and 128 (deliberate infliction of minor damage to health), the court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest against them.

In addition, Azizov Polad Seyfaddin oglu, who was hiding from the investigation, was put on the wanted list. At the same time, Agayev Fuad Ramiz oglu, who is serving a sentence, in addition to the articles under which he is serving a sentence, was charged under articles of the Criminal Code 145.3, 293.2, 341.2.2, 341.2. for the large number of victims. The public will be informed about the progress of the investigation.

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