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Former employee of the abolished Special State Security Service of Azerbaijan accused of fraud

The captain of the abolished Special State Security Service of Azerbaijan, Vugar Mikayilov, is accused of fraud for 100,000 manats, reports.

According to the information, a criminal case was initiated against him on the fact of misappropriation of money from two citizens by fraud. An investigation into the case was conducted at the Main Anti-Corruption Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office, then it was sent for consideration to the Baku Grave Crimes Court.

It turned out that the captain, using his official position, received 50,000 manats from the head of the Zangezur company. An agreement was reached between this company and the State Migration Service (SMS) on the construction of buildings of regional migration departments in the cities of Sheki and Agsu. However, after the construction of the HMS was completed, the company owed 600,000 manats to the company. Its head, through his acquaintance, turned to Vugar Mikailov for help in obtaining this money. The captain said that he could help in resolving the issue for 50,000 manats.

The editors of Kriminalqafqaz sent a request to the State Migration Service for a comment on this issue. According to the press service of the structure, the head of the Zangezur company applied for an outstanding debt for the construction of office buildings in 2012. During the investigation, no documents were found confirming the debt for the specified period.

Another fraud by V. Mikailov was connected with the influence on the outcome of the criminal case in the Lankaran Court for Grave Crimes. He promised to help in the release from criminal liability of official Tofig Aliyev, who was arrested on charges of bribery, or to mitigate his sentence, receiving 50,000 manats for this.

It should be noted that V. Mikailov had been working in the Special State Security Service since 2002. He was relieved of his post in 2021 after the discovery of fraud.

He has been charged with fraud, incitement to crime and bribery.

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