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The Accounts Chamber revealed violations in the Ministry of Education of the country

The report “On the activities of the Accounts Chamber in 2021” states that in 2021, the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan did not fully assess the volume of state needs, did not take into account the available opportunities and did not clearly define the characteristics of goods, which in some cases led to inefficient and excessive spending, as well as the fact that the purchased goods were in some cases stored without use, reports
In particular, the report notes that the requirements for contractors in public procurement have in some cases affected competitiveness.
Incomplete study of demand in the procurement of goods (works and services), as well as non-compliance with the terms of the contract, including the terms of its execution, ultimately led to non-fulfillment of obligations during the budget year and non-use of funds with prepayment or their transfer to letters of credit, the report says.

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