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Court employee charged with incitement to give a bribe

The Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General has completed the investigation of a criminal case initiated on the fact of incitement by an employee of the Zardab District Court to give a bribe and embezzlement of a large sum from a citizen, reports citing the press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan.

The investigation had reasonable suspicions that Elchin Samedov, who worked as a senior consultant in the said court, introduced himself as a person who allegedly has close ties with a judge authorized to make decisions on a civil case of a citizen who applied to him, and, having abused the latter’s trust, gave him a false a promise to help resolve the case. In May 2021, he demanded 5,000 manats from a citizen, which he received in his office.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, E. Samedov was charged under Articles 178.2.3 (fraud committed by a person using his official position) and 32.4,312.1 (incitement to give a bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The case has been sent to court for consideration.

During the investigation, compensation for material damage was provided.

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