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An investigation into a person who fought in illegal armed groups has been completed

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case of Elkhan Novruzbekov, who is accused of participating in illegal armed formations in foreign countries, has been completed, APA reports.

The materials of the criminal case collected against the accused were sent to the Baku Court for Grave Crimes. The criminal case has been transferred to Judge Ahmed Guliyev.

Thus, as a result of the investigation conducted by the State Security Service, reasonable suspicions were revealed of the involvement of Azerbaijani citizen Novruzbekov Elkhan Amanulla oglu in participation in military exercises and armed conflicts as part of illegal armed formations by illegally traveling to the territory of other foreign states through Iran.

During the investigation, it turned out that E. Novruzbekov was a member of illegal armed groups led by Gasimov Vusal Gazanfarovich.

In a criminal case that is being investigated by the State Security Service on this fact, he was found guilty under Articles 12.1, 279.1 (participation in the activities of armed groups not provided for by law outside Azerbaijan) of the Criminal Code and brought to justice.

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