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30 people detained during police operation

Employees of the anti-drug department of the Yasamal District Police Department, as well as territorial departments and police departments, over the past 20 days, have detained 30 suspects in drug trafficking, reports

So, during the inspection, 29 kg 900 g of heroin, marijuana, opium and a psychotropic substance, methamphetamine, were found and seized from them.

Among those detained during the operation was a man who worked as a taxi driver while under the influence of drugs, two others organized a drug den in their house on the territory of the district.

Also, as a result of control and preventive measures carried out during the specified period, a semi-underground establishment located on Z. Ahmedbekov Street in the Yasamal district was taken under control.

On all revealed facts, criminal cases were initiated. With regard to the detainees, the court chose a measure of restraint in the form of detention.

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