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A measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen for customs officers detained by the State Security Service

Petitions for arrest as a preventive measure against Rashad Babayev, deputy head of the Main Customs Department for Energy Resources and Maritime Transport, and Shukur Safarov, deputy head of the road tax department, were considered, APA reports.

At the trial, which took place in the Sabail district court under the chairmanship of Judge Ilkin Rustamli, representation was provided, and a preventive measure in the form of arrest for a period of 4 months was chosen against Rashad Babayev and Shukyur Safarov.

Rashad Babayev and Shukur Safarov are accused of accepting a large bribe by a group of persons by prior agreement. They were detained during an operation carried out by the State Security Service.

Previously, R. Babayev held the positions of Deputy Head of the Main Department of Financial, Tariff and Currency Control of the State Customs Committee, Head of the Tovuz Customs Department.

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