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A criminal case on causing damage to the state and nature sent to the court

The Investigation Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office has completed a preliminary investigation of a criminal case on the illegal extraction of sand and gravel by Nariman Zakariayev in Mingachevir town, reports.

The investigation established that N. Zakariayev caused material damage to the state and nature in the amount of 202,000 manats, using his official position and from May 2018 to January 2022, arbitrarily exploiting a plot of 9,400 square meters for profit. m of a sand and gravel deposit located in Mingachevir in the floodplain of the Kura River and state-owned.

Based on the collected evidence, N. Zakariayev was charged under Articles 188.4.2 (violation of the right of ownership, use or lease of land, committed by a person using his official position), 247 (violation of environmental protection rules in the course of work) and 308.2 (abuse official powers, entailed grave consequences) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The case was sent for consideration to the Sheki Court for Grave Crimes .

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