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Five employees of the New Life rehabilitation center arrested

Prosecutor’s office arrested 5 employees of the New Life rehabilitation center operating in the Novkhany settlement of Binagadi district of Baku as a center for treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism and other addictions, APA reports. These are the head of the center Orudjali Heydarov, the center’s employees Elvusal Huseynov, Famil Rzayev, Sarkhan Aliyev and Ganbar Hasanov. They are accused of torturing patients and illegally depriving them of their freedom.

According to the results of the investigation conducted by the prosecutor’s office, five persons were charged under articles 133 (torture), 145.3 (illegal deprivation of liberty) of the Criminal Code.

E. Huseynov, O. Aliheydarov and F. Rzayev were also charged under article 192 (illegal business) of the Criminal Code. According to the prosecution, they earned 81,000 manats through illegal business. A measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against the accused.

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