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Sentencing the former head of the Executive power

Namig Zeynalov, the former head of the Jalilabad District Executive Power, who is under arrest, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, reports.

The prosecutor asked to sentence the ex-head of the regional executive power to 13 years in prison.

N. Zeynalov was detained in December 2020 during a special operation carried out by the State Security Service in the Jalilabad region. He was charged under articles 179.2.2; 179.2.3; 179.2.4 (repeated misappropriation or embezzlement committed by a person using his official position with causing significant damage), 308.2 (abuse of official powers), 311.3.2; 311.3.2 (repeated receipt of a bribe on a large scale), 313 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

He is accused of stealing more than 5 million manats and taking bribes.

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