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Azerbaijan uses best practices in creating the concept of “government cloud”

Azerbaijan uses the experience of the advanced countries of the world in creating the “Government Cloud” (G-Cloud), reports with reference to AzInTelecom LLC under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan.

The LLC noted that in order to ensure the high-quality and efficient implementation of the G-Cloud project, the experience of a number of specialized companies from leading countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, Turkey, Norway, Ireland and Estonia, was studied.

“The preparation of a long-term strategy for the development of the G-Cloud concept that meets modern standards was discussed, as well as the transition of information systems of government agencies to this “cloud”. In this direction, work has been done to reduce costs and improve the performance of government information systems, as well as to ensure increased security, stable and sustainable IT infrastructure. For this, it is proposed to create an operational coordination center and a monitoring service that will work 24/7,” AzInTelecom noted.

So, in 2022, Azerbaijan plans to allocate nine million manats from the state budget to move to the “government cloud”.
These funds will be directed to the purchase of appropriate licenses, the creation of G-Cloud and technical support for structures already connected to the system, as well as other operations. In general, it is planned to transfer 36 state structures to G-Cloud.

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