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In the post-war period, about two hundred thousand social services were provided

About 8 thousand family members of martyrs of the Patriotic War were assigned up to 16 thousand social payments (Presidential scholarships, allowances or pensions), disability and related social payments were assigned to 3,151 participants in the war.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population told APA that this year the process of awarding the monthly Presidential Scholarship to 81,856 persons who were awarded the title of “War Veteran” has been completed. A total of 93 thousand people were assigned 104 thousand social payments.

Social payments were carried out in a proactive manner through an electronic system, without the appeal of citizens.

As part of the support measures, work was continued to provide war invalids with cars. In the post-war period, cars were issued to 264 war invalids. To date, 7450 people from this category are provided with cars.

In the post-war period, more than 13 thousand people were involved in active employment programs, including members of martyr families, war veterans, victims of the Armenian terror, including 7.8 thousand people involved in the self-employment program.

In general, in the post-war period, ongoing and currently social support measures, as of July 1, 2022, covered up to 100 thousand people – members of martyr families, participants in the war and victims of Armenian terror, they were provided with 191 thousand services.

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