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Members of international drug network detained

In the course of another special operation conducted by the staff of the Main Directorate for Combating Drugs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, two more people were detained for smuggling and distributing narcotic drugs in the country.

As a result, 86 kilograms of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances were withdrawn from illegal circulation, press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told APA.

Thus, the Main Directorate received operational information that the previously convicted residents of the city of Shirvan – Makhabbat Huseynov and Aziz Askerov carried out illegal drug trafficking in the country.

These persons were detained as a result of an operation carried out by employees of the Main Directorate. On the instructions of a drug dealer living abroad, they took a large amount of smuggled drugs in the Agjabedi region, tried to hide them in various places in the city of Baku. They, as well as during the inspection of the apartments, were found to have 86 kg of drugs.

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