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Results of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the first half of 2022

First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Police Lieutenant General Seyfulla Azimov reported on the results of the activities of law enforcement agencies for the first half of 2022 at a meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, APA reports.

He noted that over 6 months of this year 473 criminal groups have been neutralized in Azerbaijan, 125 people have been prosecuted for illegal possession and carrying of firearms. More than 1 ton 975 kg of narcotic drugs were seized from illegal circulation – 132 kg more than in the same period last year, 105 tons of illegally cultivated drug-containing plants were destroyed.

In addition, in the first half of 2022, together with the prosecutor’s office, 233 crimes related to previous years were solved, 1207 crimes in hot pursuit.

Deputy The Minister also noted that 4,832 illegal acts were prevented: “2,685 wanted people were detained, including 295 people accused of grave and especially grave crimes. 89.2% of the material damage caused to the state, legal entities and individuals was compensated. During the same period, internal affairs bodies and the prosecutor’s office registered 17,411 crimes.

According to S. Azimov, 84% of them were crimes that did not pose a great public danger and less serious crimes, 90.2% were solved. Compared to the same period in 2021, the detection of crimes committed under unclear circumstances improved by 2%, including theft by 2.7%, burglary by 4.9%, robbery by 9.7%, 0.8% – robberies, 1.2% – cases of blackmail and 2.2% – auto theft.

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