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Prosecutor General’s Office: criminal case initiated on the fact of beating a schoolgirl in Lankaran

An investigation has been launched in connection with the use of physical violence by the deputy head of the Executive Power of the Lankaran region Rasiley Arifgyzy and the director of school-lyceum No. 4 of the city of Lankaran Yegyana Askerova against a 9th grade student of this school, APA reports citing the General Prosecutor’s Office of the country.

During the investigation, it was established that on July 14, 2022, at around 09:00, Rasilya Arifgyzy, with the help of her driver, delivered the schoolgirl Gunel Aliyeva (notional name) to her house under the pretext of issuing a certificate, after that, in the presence of the director of the school, Yegyana Askarova, without taking into account Minority of the student, confiscated a mobile phone from G. Aliyeva and sent her personal data to mobile phones to close relatives, thereby causing significant damage to the rights and legitimate interests of G. Aliyeva.

At the same time, according to the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, Gunel Aliyeva was found to have bodily injuries.

In fact, the Lankaran District Prosecutor’s Office initiated a criminal case under Article 309.1 (abuse of power) of the Criminal Code. At the same time, in order to take the measures provided for by the law in relation to the Deputy Head of the Executive Power Rasili Arifgyzy and the principal of the school Yegyana Askarova, relevant submissions were sent to the Executive Power of the Lankaran region and the Lankaran-Astara regional education department.

The public will be provided with additional information on the results of the investigation.

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