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Prosecutor General’s Office: AZN 106.5 million in damages compensated this year

This year, 106,572,000 manats have been paid in criminal cases, the Internet news portal reports, citing information from the general meeting of the board of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

It was established that in criminal cases, in which the preliminary investigation was completed, material damage was caused in the amount of 137,408,000 manats, of which 77.6 percent, that is, 106,572,000 manats, was compensated through investigative measures.

In criminal cases completed by the prosecutor’s office, 62 million 169 thousand manats of material damage was caused, of which 87.5 percent, that is, 54 million 405 thousand manats, was compensated through investigative measures. Property was seized in the amount of 1,618,000 manats.

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