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Former judge arrested for bribery

A former judge who received a bribe has been arrested in Azerbaijan, Report reports, citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

The Main Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General conducted an investigation based on material from the Ministries of Labor and Social Protection of the Population and Justice.

The investigation revealed reasonable suspicions that Ilyas Makhmudov, who worked as a judge of the Sumgayit City Court in 2008-2019, received a bribe from a number of citizens for issuing unfair rulings in civil cases.

In addition, I. Makhmudov during the period of work committed illegal actions of a different kind. Suspicions were revealed that these actions caused significant damage to the legally protected interests of the state – 243,441 manats of illegal pension were paid.

A criminal case has been opened against I. Makhmudov under articles 295.1, 308.2, 311.3.2, 313 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Operational and investigative activities are ongoing.

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