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Results of the activities of the State Border Service for July 2022

As a result of anti-crime measures, 239 wanted people were detained at the border in July 2022 and handed over to the relevant authorities, reports with reference to the State Border Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan.

During this period, 516 people were prevented from leaving Azerbaijan, who were banned from leaving, as well as 15 people from entering the country.

In addition, as a result of measures to combat illicit drug trafficking at the border, 145 kilograms 455 grams of narcotic substances and 16,197 tablets of psychotropic drugs were seized. In the course of the measures taken, contraband was found and seized for a total amount of about 2,440,591 thousand manats, including two pistols, a hunting rifle, a night vision device, five cartridges, a dagger, tobacco products and gold jewelry.

Measures aimed at organizing reliable protection of the state border of Azerbaijan continue, the State Border Service said in a statement.

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