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3rd Summer Camp for Diaspora Youth opens in Shusha

With the joint organization of the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the III Summer Camp for Diaspora Youth started in Shusha within the framework of the Year of Shusha. The opening ceremony of the camp was held, APA reports.

The opening ceremony is attended by Maftun Abbasov, Chairman of the Board of the Shusha State Reserve, Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora, Farid Gaibov, Minister of Youth and Sports, Farid Jafarov, Executive Director of the Youth Foundation, Head of the Department for Humanitarian Policy, Diaspora, Multiculturalism and religions of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Nigar Hajiyeva and others.
The summer camp was attended by 115 young people from 50 countries. The summer camp will last until August 8, 2022.

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