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The collector appropriated about 10 thousand manats to the company

The driver-collector of Azerpost LLC embezzled about 10,000 manat to the company, Internet news portal reports, citing the Yevlakh district prosecutor’s office.

The district prosecutor’s office conducted an investigation on the basis of an application for misappropriation of funds belonging to Azerpost LLC, an employee of the Yevlakh regional branch of the company.

In the course of the proceedings, reasonable suspicions were revealed that Tural Mammadov, who works at the specified branch as a driver-collector, did not pay the company money in the amount of 9,400 manats, received by selling lottery tickets on the basis of a power of attorney from the LLC.

In this regard, the prosecutor’s office of Yevlakh region initiated a criminal case under article 179.2.4 (misappropriation or embezzlement with causing significant damage) of the Criminal Code, T. Mammadov was detained as a suspect.

The investigation into the case is currently ongoing.

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