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The sphere of cybersecurity is one of the priority areas in Azerbaijan

The sphere of cybersecurity is one of the priority areas in Azerbaijan, reports with reference to the head of the Electronic Security Service under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan Shahin Aliyev. According to him, in the field of strengthening cyber security, training of specialists has begun in Azerbaijan.

In particular, he noted that an internship program has been launched for students and graduate students of Azerbaijani universities studying cybersecurity, information security and law. Based on the results of the selection, out of 100 candidates, 12 people were selected who received the opportunity to undergo an internship under this program.

In addition, the message of the ministry notes that foreign experts have organized a program to prepare participants for the international certification training Cybersecurity East.

As part of the internship program conducted by the Electronic Security Service, its participants will receive relevant experience, theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and personal data protection.

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