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Criminal case initiated in connection with the attack on the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijani in London

On August 4, 2022, many local and foreign media resources published videos of an attack by a radical religious group on the administrative building of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, APA reports citing the press service of the country’s Prosecutor General’s Office.

Thus, the preliminary investigation established reasonable suspicions that on August 4, 2022, a group of radical individuals whose identities are unknown, in violation of the requirements of the International Convention of December 14, 1973 “On the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons in including diplomatic agents”, in order to aggravate international relations, they attacked the administrative building of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the city of London, deliberately damaged property by climbing onto the balcony of the building and dropping the flag of Azerbaijan to the ground, then hanging from the balcony brought bring flags and banners.

In fact, a criminal case has been initiated in the Prosecutor General’s Office under Articles 12.3 (Action of the criminal law against persons who have committed a crime outside the Republic of Azerbaijan), 102 (Attack on persons or institutions that enjoy international protection), 186.1 (Deliberate destruction or damage to property), 324 (Desecration of the State Flag or the State Emblem of the Republic of Azerbaijan) of the Criminal Code.

The Attorney General’s Office has applied for legal aid to investigate this criminal case in frames of cooperation with the relevant UK authorities.

Conducting a comprehensive, complete and objective investigation in accordance with international norms and principles in a criminal case, the necessary measures are taken to determine the circle of perpetrators and bring them to criminal responsibility.

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