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Suspect arrested for stealing citizens’ money from ATMs

Employees of the Tovuz District Police Department detained a man who, abusing the trust of citizens, has stolen money from their bank cards, reports with reference to the Ganja regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, during the investigation, it turned out that Asim Hasanov appropriated the funds of several people, withdrawing them through ATMs, and caused them material damage in the amount of 4,307 manats. In addition, during the investigation it turned out that he committed theft in two private houses.

It is not ruled out that the detainee committed similar crimes in other cities and regions of the republic. Citizens affected by his actions are advised to contact the Tovuz District Police Department, the call center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 102 and the police authorities at their place of residence.

These facts are under investigation.

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