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Prosecutor General’s Office about the operation in Jalilabad

According to the information, in the Jalilabad Central District Hospital, the Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General carried out urgent operational and search activities based on complaints received about the abuse of office in the course of fulfilling a number of obligations related to issues of social security of citizens.

“During the initial operational measures, grounds for suspicion were identified that the pediatrician of the pediatric department of the medical institution Shukurov Emil Zakir oglu falsified medical records and other medical documents belonging to individual citizens in connection with the appointment of disability degrees and pensions, and presented these documents of the medical commission of the hospital, thereby creating conditions for the appointment of social benefits on illegal grounds. On this fact, a criminal case has been initiated under articles 308.1 (abuse of official powers) and 313 (official fraud) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. Currently, investigative and operational measures are ongoing aimed at identifying other circumstances that are relevant in this case, and bringing to justice those who committed unlawful acts, ”the prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

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