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Official persons arrested

A criminal case has been initiated against the chairman of the Association of Sports Organizations of the Azerbaijan Trade Union and other officials, APA reports quoting the General Prosecutor’s Office.

According to information about the fact that the chairman of the Association of Sports Organizations of Azerbaijan Trade Unions, Nadir Aliyev, and the director of the Yasamal sports and health club, Alik Hasanov, seized the funds belonging to the entrepreneurs under the pretext of selling the territory of the former Mehsul stadium used by this club, in the Main Department for Combating corruption under the Prosecutor General initiated a criminal case under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code.

During the investigation, grounds for suspicion were also revealed that during the period of work in this position, A. Hasanov, using the same method and for the same purpose, told other entrepreneurs that he could sell them the territory of the stadium for 8 million manats, and under the pretext of giving bribes to the relevant officials and execution of the relevant documentation, he re-seized the financial resources belonging to the entrepreneurs in the amount of 360 thousand manats.

Based on the preliminary evidence collected in the case, N.Aliyev and A.Hasanov were charged, respectively, under Articles 178.4 of the Criminal Code (fraud causing particularly large damage) and 32.4, 312.1 (incitement to give a bribe) and 32.4, 312.2 (repeated incitement to give a bribe) bribes), the court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest against them.

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case is ongoing.

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