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A criminal case was initiated in connection with the provocation of Armenia at the border

The units of the armed forces of Armenia grossly violated the norms and principles of international law, the Geneva Convention of 1949 and its additional protocols, the decisions and resolutions of the UN Security Council, the requirements of the tripartite statement of November 10, 2020, signed by Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, on the night of September 12 2022, they carried out a large-scale provocation in the Dashkesan, Kalbajar, Lachin and Zangilan directions of the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border, APA reports.

At night, sabotage groups of the Armenian armed forces, using the mountainous terrain and gorges, carried out mining in various directions of the territories between the positions of the units of the Azerbaijan Army and supply routes. The units of the Armenian armed forces stationed in the direction of the settlements of Basarkecher, Istisu, Garakils and Goris subjected to intensive fire from various weapons, including mortars, some positions, shelters and strongholds of the Azerbaijan Army in the territory of Dashkesan, Kalbajar and Lachin regions. As a result, there are casualties among the personnel, damage to the military infrastructure has been caused.

In order to prevent provocations of the Armenian armed forces and military threats to the territory and sovereignty of our country, to ensure the safety of our military personnel, including civilian workers involved in infrastructure work in the Kalbajar and Lachin regions, the units of the Ministry of Defense deployed in this direction with the State Border Service adopted decisive response.

On the basis of the materials collected in the military prosecutor’s offices of Ganja, Gubadli and Kalbajar, criminal cases were initiated under articles 100.1 (planning, preparing or unleashing an aggressive war), 100.2. (war of aggression) 116.0.7 (attack on unprotected territories, settlements and disarmament zones), 120.2.7 (deliberate murder of two or more persons), 120.2.12 (deliberate murder motivated by national, racial, religious hatred or enmity) Investigation teams have been set up.

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