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A head of the site, who extorted money from a serviceman, was arrested

The head of a news portal that was engaged in extortion has been arrested in Azerbaijan, reports citing a joint statement by the Prosecutor General’s Office and the State Security Service of Azerbaijan.

The statement notes that the General Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General carried out investigative measures based on information received that the head of the news website and the Youtube channel of the same name, Zaur Gafarov, extorted money from a soldier under the threat of disseminating false and shameful information. about him.

On the basis of the collected preliminary evidence, a criminal case was initiated, Zaur Gafarov was charged under Article 182.1 (extortion) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against him by a court decision.

Currently, an investigation is underway in relation to other persons affected by the actions of Z. Gafarov.

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