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The trial on the criminal case of the former head of the Main Investigation Department of the abolished Ministry of National Security has been completed

The trial on a criminal case initiated on the facts of illegal actions of the former head of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of National Security (now abolished) Major General Movlam Shikhaliyev has been completed, reports citing APA. The judgement was read out at the Baku Military Court at a trial chaired by Judge Elbey Allahverdiyev. According to the verdict, Movlam Shikhaliyev was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

By a court decision, property that were registered in the name of the former head of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of National Security (now abolished) Major General Movlam Shikhaliyev and members of his family were confiscated.

In addition, by a court judgement, Movlam Shikhaliyev was deprived of the rank of major general.

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