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Violators of the state border were detained

Employees of the State Border Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan detained border violators, reports with reference to the press center of the SBS.

The incident occurred on September 29, 2022 at 01:20 am on the territory of the Goytepe border detachment near the village of Gulmammadli, Jalilabad region. Afghan citizens Rashidi Abdulmunir Abdulkhayum (born 1993), Reza Adjigzey Mohammed, Tur Emran Abdulsamed (both born 2002) and Bakhtiyar Mohammedrasoulafgan Negmuhammed (born 2003) were detained while trying to cross into Azerbaijan from Iran across the land border.

During the investigation, it was established that the detainees intended to move from Iran, first to Azerbaijan, and then through Russia to one of the European countries.

The matter is under investigation.

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