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A criminal case was initiated against a former official of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

A criminal case has been initiated against a former official of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES), reports with reference to the Shirvan city prosecutor’s office.

Based on the statement that the ex-chief of the fire shift of the Hajigabul district state fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Inshallah Nabiyev, fraudulently appropriated someone else’s property while in this position, the Shirvan city prosecutor’s office conducted an investigation.

Reasonable suspicions have been established that I. Nabiyev fraudulently obtained funds in the amount of 3,500 and 2,000 manats from a resident of the Khalaj village of the Salyan region, promising the latter that he would get his son a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations and help him change his place of service.

In this regard, the prosecutor’s office of the city of Shirvan initiated a criminal case under articles 178.2.2 (repeated fraud) and 178.2.3 (fraud using a person’s official position) of the Criminal Code.

The investigation into the case is currently ongoing.

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