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Prosecutor General’s Office: Proceedings have been launched on the fact of beating a teenager in a Baku school

Proceedings have been launched on the fact of beating a teenager in a school in Baku, APA reports quoting the General Prosecutor’s Office.

In connection with a video circulating on social networks of a student being beaten by another at a secondary school in the Sabunchu district, along with measures taken by other relevant government agencies, an investigation was carried out at the Office of Non-Criminal Prosecution of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Since, as a result of the investigation, grounds were established for holding parents (or persons replacing them) liable for petty hooliganism of minors in accordance with Article 512 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the proceedings on an administrative offense on this fact were initiated and sent for consideration to the relevant commission on cases minors and protection of their rights under the Executive Power of the Sabunchu region.

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