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Fraud committed against a lawyer

Fraud has been committed against a lawyer in Azerbaijan, the case on this fact has already been sent to court, reports. Thus, Anar Akhmedov fraudulently embezzled a large amount of money from a member of the Bar Association Ismayil Kangarli.

The investigating body charged A. Ahmedov under article 178.3.2 (fraud committed with causing large damage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In addition, five more people from whom he fraudulently embezzled money were recognized as victims in this criminal case. The preliminary investigation of the case has already been completed, it has been sent for consideration to the Baku Grave Crimes Court.

The case will be considered by Judge Sabina Mammadzade. The date of the preliminary court hearing has not yet been disclosed.

I.Kengerli has been engaged in advocacy for 10 years.

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