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The trial of the accused of fraud against the former deputy began

The Baku Grave Crimes Court held a hearing on the criminal case of Elchin Baghirov, who is accused of fraud against ex-deputy of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Nasrulla Bayramov, who also held various leadership positions, reports citing

At a meeting chaired by Judge Azer Pashayev, the personal data of the accused were clarified. The hearing of the case was scheduled for October 28, 2022.

It should be noted that, in addition to N. Bayramov, six more people were recognized as victims in the criminal case – Zaur Mirzoev, Natavan Akperova, Sabuhi Tagiyev, Rashad Shirinov, Samir Dashdamirov and Sadig Akperov.

It is noted that E.Baghirov, under the pretext of creating a business, received 230,000 manats from N.Bayramov. The investigating body charged E. Baghirov under article 178.2.3 (large-scale fraud) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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