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Members of a criminal group arrested for illegal logging

Employees of the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, together with specialists from the Forest Development Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, carried out operations to detain members of a criminal group engaged in illegal logging in forests and wood processing, reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs .

Thus, the Ministry of Ecology received information about the mass cutting of trees in forests in the southern regions, as well as in the territory of the Girkansk National Park. During the investigation, it was found that valuable trees such as beech, maple, alder and others were destroyed in these territories.

As a result of the operational search activities, the leaders of the group involved in this crime, Anar Ibragimov, Ramin Gafarov, Rasif Agayev, as well as their accomplices Alim Aliyev, Emin Sadikhov, Rahim Rahimov, Niyameddin Nabiyev, Ramin Ibadov, Elsever Gafarov and Hafiz Mammadov, were identified and detained . It was found that the detainees were selling recycled wood. In their illegal woodworking shops and warehouses, timber and other material evidence were identified and confiscated.

On the basis of the opinion of specialists from the Ministry of Ecology, it was established that the felled trees were old and, thus, significant damage was caused to the forest.

According to these facts, a criminal case has been initiated, the necessary investigative actions are being carried out. Operative measures are underway to detain other members of the gang involved in the illegal felling of trees.

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