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22,000 manats were stolen from the health center and houses

In Khachmaz, AZN 22,000 was stolen from a health center and private houses, the Internet news portal reports, citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the operation carried out by the employees of the Khachmaz district police department, a resident of the district, Jalal Jafarov, was detained on suspicion of committing a theft.

In addition, J. Jafarov stole musical instruments, carpets, gold jewelry, a water heater, etc. from a private residential building for a total of 10,200 manats.

During the ongoing operational-search activities, a resident of the district, Ramil Sultanov, was also detained, who stole various household items totaling 1,890 manats from a private residential building.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the Khachmaz district police department, and a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen against both persons by a court decision.

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