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A large amount of money was stolen

Ruzan Jabbarova, accused of stealing from the house of Orkhan Gadimbayli, the son of Sederek shopping center owner Yunis Gadimbayli, has launched a court investigation, APA reports. The criminal case is being considered in the Baku Grave Crimes Court chaired by Judge Sabina Mammadzade.

According to the charges, while working as a maid in the house of O. Gadimbayli in the Sabail district, R. Jabbarova stole jewelry and cash from his house for a total of 803 thousand 118 manats. In her testimony to the investigation, the accused stated that she had committed the theft because she needed money and the value of the money and jewelry stolen by her was not 803,118 manats, as indicated in the charge, but 217,000 manats.

The woman buried the stolen items in the yard of her house in the village of Zabrat. After the crime was solved, she herself pointed out to the police officers the place where she buried the money, jewelry and other stolen items. The stolen items were returned to their owners.

The investigating authority charged R. Dzhabbarova under article 177.4 of the Criminal Code (theft on an especially large scale). O. Gadimbeyli and his wife Farida Gadimova were recognized as victims in the case. Today, at the preparatory meeting, R. Jabbarova partially admitted her guilt.

At the trial, the defendant’s lawyer, Gunay Ismailova, filed a motion to change the measure of restraint chosen for her client in the form of arrest to house arrest. The request was not granted. The trial is scheduled for December 20, 2022.

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