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The Accounts Chamber revealed violations, more than 600 thousand manats were returned to the budget

The Accounts Chamber has published the results of an audit of the management of state funds and property at the Azerbaijan Mine Action Agency, reports.

Thus, in accordance with the work plan of the Accounts Chamber for 2022, as part of the measures of external state financial control, the activities of the legal entity of public law “Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Mine Clearance” were audited for the period from January 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022. There was an overpayment in the amount of 96,200 manats for the work carried out within the framework of public procurement in order to carry out work to clear the territories liberated from occupation from mines and unexploded ordnance.

During the audit, funds in the amount of 612,500 manats were returned to the state budget.

Taking this into account, relevant proposals were put forward to eliminate inconsistencies, as well as to prepare internal standards that determine the service life of clothing (overalls) and soft equipment used in functional activities, and to strengthen the coordination of the activities of structural divisions.

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